Tuesday, 9 November 2010


When looking through a large list of illustration blogs, i came across illustrophile. Instantly, this caught my eye and i believe it to be one of the better Illustration blogs i came across. The font for the title of the blog was simple, but made me look twice with the two toned colours used. I felt the title was simple enough like this, rather than 'overpowering' the website with something more complex and complicated. Another part of the site i enjoyed was how simple the site was set out. I never had to search for anything whilst i was using the blog. Everything was set out easy enough to find, which made the site appeal to me even more. The bold texts to show the different areas for the site also made everything a lot easier to find as again i never had to search for through the site just to find one tiny aspect of the site. The layout of the site is simple enough to find and is a very popular layout method. All the text is kept to one side whilst the bars are kept to the right and top bars. Illustrophile isn't just a blog dedicated to one artist, it's hosts a large number of illustrators. This was another thing that appealed to me as it meant i could look through the blog to get more inspiration from their own pieces and techniques which i could begin to use in my own work.

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