Again another artist i found looking through the portfolios available on http://www.carbonmade.com/
Yvan Benoit is a 28 year old French Graphic designer/Illustrator.
When i first looked at his work i noticed how much he layers all his images and how many of the images seem to tell a story.
Every image he creates has some form of layering whether it just be another layer of colour added on photoshop or more images. His style of work almost reminds me of a photomontage artist in places.
I feel that the work he has produced, which i have shown in this post is one of those examples that almost tell a story. It shows a girl with various objects around her. I feel he has done this to show what her life might be like and what she does, thinks about. etc. It almost seems to symbolise that she's 'running on time' as the image shows a various amount of clocks, clockworks etc. These could have been used to symbolise that we all live on 'borrowed time.'
Interesting post...
Yes I agree with Mabel, it is very interesting. I like that artist :)
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